Connections: Compost And Methane Avoidance

Our California road trip, launched last week with a discussion of climate change fundamentals, continues this week with a conversation about methane. Let’s start with Drawdown’s cited benefit of compost — methane avoidance — and why that earned compost its 60 ranking on the list of solutions. Link:

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Federal legislation focuses on plastics, recycling

Legislation that has been introduced at the federal level seeks to address deficiencies in U.S. recycling infrastructure, with one targeting grants for recycling education and the other taking a more comprehensive approach with a heavy focus on regulating single-use plastics. Link:

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Prefeitura de Beneditinos  

Contratação, por meio de registro de preços, de empresa especializada para serviços de coleta, transporte, tratamento e destinação final de residuos de serviços de saúde e demais órgãos pertinentes, coleta de lixo hospitalar

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