Prefeitura Municipal de Santo Ângelo  

Contratação de empresa para prestação de serviços de recolhimento dos residuos sólidos domiciliares e comerciais (úmidos e secos) no perímetro urbano do município

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Prefeitura de Cascalho Rico  

Contratação de empresa(s) especializada para destinação de residuos sólidos urbanos do município de cascalho rico, em aterro sanitário licenciado e aprovado por órgãos competentes

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Venice 2020

The production of energy from alternative sources and its impact on climate change are among the main strategic tools implicated in the sustainable development of our society. Numerous types of biomass and wastes contribute towards the production of energy and reduction in the use of fossil fuels by means of …

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Connections: Compost And Methane Avoidance

Our California road trip, launched last week with a discussion of climate change fundamentals, continues this week with a conversation about methane. Let’s start with Drawdown’s cited benefit of compost — methane avoidance — and why that earned compost its 60 ranking on the list of solutions. Clique para ler …

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