Prefeitura de Barreirinhas  

Exploração, mediante contratação de serviços para destinação final de residuos sólidos urbanos com aproveitamento energético dos residuos oriundos dos ?serviços prestados pela proguaru, relacionado a manutenção da cidade com a possibilidade de atendimento

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THESSALONIKI 2020, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management

The best THESSALONIKI 2020 papers will be published after evaluation in a Special Issue of BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY (ELSEVIER, Impact Factor: 6.669) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou, M. Kumar-Awasthi, A.S. Nizami, P. Champagne). The title of the SI is: Food Waste: from an environmental problem to a valuable resource and the submission period will be …

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Sea Change in the Ganges

Flowing 1,560 miles&8239from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal, the Ganges River, locally known as Ganga, is one of the world’s greatest, longest and most polluted waterways in the world. On its journey from the mountains to the sea, the sacred river — considered by Hindus to be the …

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