Compost returns nutrients to soil

Compost — a natural fertilizer that provides many essential nutrients for plant growth and overall healthy plants — involves decomposed organic material such as leaves, grass clippings and, if you wish, kitchen waste. Link:

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Secrets of Backyard Composting Revealed

Backyard composting is an easy, convenient way to transform kitchen scraps and yard waste into a beneficial addition to soil in the garden. Link:

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Signs of the garbage crisis prolonging

Colombo (News 1st): Garbage accumulated within Colombo city limits continues to be disposed at Aruwakkalu. Another 17 trucks carrying accumulated garbage were dispatched to the Aruwakkalu Sanitary Landfill site at around 11.30 last night. Link:

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How can the problem of waste be solved?

Over the last 10-20 years the waste industry has changed radically. In Western world we’ve generally attempted to stop throwing everything into landfill and tried to take responsibility for collecting recyclable materials. Yet, despite our best intentions, the true value of recyclable materials is not being realised. Cross-contamination of plastics …

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Stop ‘wish-cycling‘: China says no more to recyclables, so now many discards stay closer to home

Recycling has become the norm throughout the United States. Blue recycling bins are as common as trash cans in schools, parks, businesses and homes. Curbside recycling, which began in earnest in a few California cities in the 1980s, now captures 25 of the waste stream. Link:

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