In air pollution control, the concentration of air pollutants in a definite area during a fixed period of time prior to the starting up or on the stoppage of a source of emission under control. In toxic substances monitoring, the average presence in the e

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Sony Music – using recycled-paper CD jackets

Japanese Sony Music Entertainment Japan Inc. (SMEJ), one of the largest corporations in the global music industry, has started using recycled paper in CD jackets and lyric cards of all newly released CDs. This change will replace an annual consumption of nearly 1,500 tons of virgin paper with recycled paper …

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Sony Music – using recycled-paper CD jackets

Japanese Sony Music Entertainment Japan Inc. (SMEJ), one of the largest corporations in the global music industry, has started using recycled paper in CD jackets and lyric cards of all newly released CDs. This change will replace an annual consumption of nearly 1,500 tons of virgin paper with recycled paper …

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Striking Out

ALTHOUGH MOST PEOPLE LIKE to forget about their garbage once they place it at the curb, garbage issues, if left unchecked, can sometimes weigh heavy on the public. For example, the recent garbage truck driver strike in Chicago tested residents’ and business owners’ mettle as they were left with overflowing …

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UK – Government announces packaging waste recovery targets

The Government has announced business recovery and recycling targets for 2004-2008 and other changes which, subject to parliamentary approval, will come into effect on 1 January 2004. In Scotland and Wales the changes will be made by the Scottish Executive and by the Welsh Assembly Government respectively. Elliot Morley, Minister …

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Striking Out

ALTHOUGH MOST PEOPLE LIKE to forget about their garbage once they place it at the curb, garbage issues, if left unchecked, can sometimes weigh heavy on the public. For example, the recent garbage truck driver strike in Chicago tested residents’ and business owners’ mettle as they were left with overflowing …

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IN MOST COMMUNITIES, businesses pay for garbage collection based on the size of their trash containers and how many times per week those containers are emptied. Residences, however, pay a flat fee regardless of the amount of trash they place on the curb or how often it is collected.

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Stepping Up the Gas

A TRUE BIOREACTOR LANDFILL has a lot to live up to. When operated properly, bioreactors can reduce environmental risks, increase landfill capacity, control closure expenses and elevate energy production by producing additional landfill gas

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