Steel packaging in the forefront of packaging recycling in Europe with a 60% recycling rate – Belgium tops the list

Steel packaging is being recycled in ever increasing volumes: the 2 million tonnes mark for recycled steel packaging was exceeded in 2002, representing an 8% growth in collected and recycled tonnage in Europe compared with the previous year. This means that the steel packaging industry has now reached its voluntary …

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Take the “Slow life” route to sustainable development

thought you might be interested in this item from the Japan for Sustainability organisation. It contains within it the seeds of an excuse when anything is late, but might also be of real interest in the cause of sustainability. “Do you feel restless when you’re not busy? Do you feel …

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Fazendo parte dos Cursos de Verão da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP, o curso "Elaborãção de Plano de Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde – PGRSS" apresenta como programa: Aspectos sanitários, ambientais e ocupacionais apresentados pelo Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde. Conceituação, classificação e características. Legislação sobre Resíduos …

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Japan – used cooking oil recycled as bio-diesel fuel

Japanese RCS is an incorporated nonprofit organization located in Kyoto, Japan, that aims to promote a resource-circulating society. It collects used cooking oil from restaurants and households in Kyoto City and recycles it into clean and environmentally friendly bio-diesel fuel Japan for sustainability (JfS) reports that at present households and …

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