Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling – ACRR – study methods, costs and financing of waste collection in Europe

The Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling (ACRR) has published a study comparing the organisation of selective collection schemes, waste management costs and how these costs are allocated in several European national policies. The report is a helpful tool for policy-makers to identify key factors for waste management costs …

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Pay-as-you-throw – case study in Spain

The Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling has issued a note on what is one of the first “Pay-as-you throw” experiences in a Spanish Municipality. Torrelles de Llobregat, a small Spanish town (4,100 inhabitants) in the area of Barcelona, has successfully implemented a “pay-as-you-throw” scheme for improving its municipal …

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England – household waste recycling bill is given Royal assent

The Household Waste Recycling Bill has received Royal Assent to become an Act. The Private Member’s Bill, put forward by Joan Ruddock MP, was supported by Government in its passage through Parliament. The Bill provides that where English waste collection authorities have a duty to collect waste they shall ensure, …

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Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling – ACRR – study methods, costs and financing of waste collection in Europe

The Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling (ACRR) has published a study comparing the organisation of selective collection schemes, waste management costs and how these costs are allocated in several European national policies. The report is a helpful tool for policy-makers to identify key factors for waste management costs …

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Pay-as-you-throw – case study in Spain

The Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling has issued a note on what is one of the first “Pay-as-you throw” experiences in a Spanish Municipality. Torrelles de Llobregat, a small Spanish town (4,100 inhabitants) in the area of Barcelona, has successfully implemented a “pay-as-you-throw” scheme for improving its municipal …

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ACRR – new policy instruments

This is a crucial point for local and regional authorities in charge of waste management. The European Commission recently issued key EU policy consultation documents on waste, products and resources. These will guide waste policy in Europe for the coming years. This workshop is the key event to help delegates …

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