Denmark – new waste strategy 2005-2008

The Danish Government has published a new Waste Strategy for the period 2005-2008. The strategy, which outlines the Government’s waste policy for the coming years, is founded on three cornerstones: prevention of the resource loss and environmental load associated with waste decoupling of the increase in the amount of waste …

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Denmark – new waste strategy 2005-2008

The Danish Government has published a new Waste Strategy for the period 2005-2008. The strategy, which outlines the Government’s waste policy for the coming years, is founded on three cornerstones: prevention of the resource loss and environmental load associated with waste decoupling of the increase in the amount of waste …

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Processo bioquímico que no requiere oxigeno libre. Fuente: REGLAMENTO GESTION DE RESIDUOS SÓLIDOS – Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente da Bolivia

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(medio, entorno, medio ambiente) Sistema constituido por factores naturales, culturales y sociales, interrelacionados entre si, que condicionan la vida del hombre a la vez que constantemente son modificados y condicionados por este. Fuente: Ley 11.723 Rep

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