Environment-aware Spaniards boost glass recycling

Spaniards are recycling 50 per cent more glass containers than four years ago, or almost 400,000 tonnes a year, industry organisation Ecovidrio said. “Increasing awareness and growth in the infrastructure necessary for recycling are the main motors,” said Ecovidrio, a non-profit body which is made up of glass manufacturers, recyclers …

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Recycling effort lets athletes tread lightly

Indiana piles up a mountain of used tyres every year and spends a mountain of cash trying to get rid of them. The Indianapolis Star reports that now, five schools in the state will become the proving ground for a novel experiment in recycling — grinding up the tyres into …

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Hong Kong runs wet/dry waste separation pilot programme

In recent years, Hong Kong has been testing out various waste recovery systems in order to identify the modes that are the most cost-effective and will best suit local needs. Such systems include placement of waste separation bins at public venues and public/private housing estates to encourage public participation. A …

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Environment-aware Spaniards boost glass recycling

Spaniards are recycling 50 per cent more glass containers than four years ago, or almost 400,000 tonnes a year, industry organisation Ecovidrio said. “Increasing awareness and growth in the infrastructure necessary for recycling are the main motors,” said Ecovidrio, a non-profit body which is made up of glass manufacturers, recyclers …

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