11th Rinker International Conference on Deconstruction and Materials Reuse

The demolition of buildings produces enormous amounts of debris that in most countries results in a significant portion of the total municipal waste stream. Deconstruction is emerging as an alternative to demolition around the world. Deconstruction is the systematic disassembly of buildings in order to maximize recovered materials reuse and recycling. While the process of demolition often leads to the mixing of various materials and contamination of non-hazardous components, deconstruction is actually the source separation of materials.
Conference Themes
Deconstruction Techniques and Tools
Deconstruction Case Studies
Deconstruction and Materials Reuse Business Development and Marketing
Deconstruction Environmental Health and Safety and Hazardous Materials
Reuse and Recycling Opportunities and Constraints
Design for Deconstruction and Materials Reuse
Regulatory, Contractual and Policy Issues
Military Base Deconstruction
For abstract, technical papers, and information, please contact:
Dr. Abdol Chini, Chairperson
11th Rinker International Conference
Rinker School of Building Construction
University of Florida
FAC 101, P.O. Box 115703
Gainesville, FL 32611

Data: 7 de maio de 2003
Início: 1 de maio de 2003
País: EUA
Estado: Florida
Cidade: Gainesville
Informações para Contato:
Tel: (352) 392-7510 Fax: (352) 392-9606
Email:: chini@ufl.edu
Link: #

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