20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

The programme of the 20th Biomass Conference and Exhibition shall guide you through a full week of presentations. Again, by offering a selection of the best, most relevant and latest presentations from about 1000 abstract received, the scientific committee offers you in this conference a deep insight into today‘s complexity of Bio-energy. As you can see from the programme, the full range of Bio-energy is to be presented in Milan, regarding Biomass resource assessments, conversion technologies, incentive and deployment schemes, sustainability and the crucial role Bio-energy plays within the ambitious goals of the European Union‘s renewable energy policies.

Providing you this full range of information, the scientific committee is convinced that listening to presentations, talking to the experts, and debating during poster session provides you with the particular flavours of Bio-energy: though a very complex renewable technology, it is the most versatile of all.

This year you will witness a particular focus on Biogas, from production to distribution, and the particular role it can play to complement renewable electricity sources like wind and photovoltaic solar electricity.

The recently presented European Commission strategy ‘Innovating for a Sustainable Growth: a Bioeconomy for Europe‘ is setting also the political scene for the huge opportunities for growth and employment offered by the full value-chain of Bio-energy, and the conference will give you the opportunity to participate in presentations and discussions around this theme.

The citizen‘s concerns on the environmental performance of Bio-energy, regarding greenhouse-gas emissions, land use and biodiversity are not spared from the rich programme of this conference, as meeting these requirements is one of the promises Bio-energy has to fulfil.

I wish you that this conference programme does not only your interest in knowing more about recent developments in Bio-energy, but that you can take the conference also as an opportunity to develop contacts, create new collaborations and networks, or just meet again people which share your engagement for renewable energy.

I am looking forward to welcome you in Milan!

H. Ossenbrink
D. Baxter
J.F. Dallemand
European Commission
DG Joint Research Centre

Data: 18 de junho de 2012
Início: 1 de junho de 2012
País: Italy
Cidade: Milão
Informações para Contato:
Link: http://www.conference-biomass.com

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