2nd BOKU Waste Conference `Waste matters. Integrating views`

The conference will embark on an intra-disciplinary strategy. Through a combination of different waste specific disciplines in the single sessions, participants will be afforded an excellent opportunity to extend their main emphasis gradually and perhaps even envisage fruitful approaches for the future. In this respect, by means of an integrated and interdisciplinary approach the conference will focus on: 1.Assessment of Waste Minimisation – 2.Compost Quality and Soil Improvement – 3.Utilization of landfill gas and emission mitigation – 4.Final storage quality

Data: 16 de abril de 2007
Início: 1 de abril de 2007
País: Austria
Cidade: Vienna
Informações para Contato:
Tel: +43-1-3189900-310 Fax: +43-1-3189900-350
Link: http://waste-conference.boku.ac.at

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