3rd Annual Military Energy Alternatives

The US Government has been set a mandate to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. The Clean Edge Act and the President's 2010 initiative are two of the compelling drivers to which Government Departments are working to achieve independence from the vast consumption and reliance on fossil fuels oil and gas derivatives. The US Department of Defense's annual outlay of $10.6 billion on energy needs is the subject of multiple programs with a remit to find ways to consume fuel more efficiently and identify alternative sources of energy

Data: 8 de janeiro de 2008
Início: 1 de janeiro de 2008
País: USA
Estado: Columbia
Cidade: Washington DC
Informações para Contato:
Link: http://www.marcusevans.com/html/eventdetail.asp?EventID=13191&ad=MEA2008&SectorID=

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