7th International Conference on Geosynthetics

The primary aim is to make this conference a unique forum for exchanges and promote constructive discussions. It will be an ideal opportunity for the world's top specialists and students, from widely varying scientific and technological backgrounds, to compare ideas and share experience and know-how. Opening up to the future and innovation are also fundamental to the conference. A great deal of emphasis will be placed on young and up-and-coming authors, and on papers presenting techniques that are innovative or explore new geosynthetics applications. Finally, the discussions will be interdisciplinary, a melting-pot of environment specialists, geotechnicians, geologists and hydraulics engineers, all interested or involved in using geosynthetics techniques

Data: 18 de setembro de 2006
Início: 1 de setembro de 2006
País: Japan
Cidade: Yokohama City
Informações para Contato:
Tel: -81-(0)3-3837-2503; Fax: +81-(0)3-3837-5818
Email:: info@8icg-yokohama.org
Link: http://www.8icg-yokohama.org/

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