7th World Congress & Exhibition Recovery, Recycling and Re-integration

7th World Congress on Recovery, Recycling and Re-integration & China Internatial 3R Exhibition The event was launched in Geneva in 1993, and held consecutively in 1995(Switzerland), 1997(Switzerland), 1999(Switzerland), 2000(Canada) and 2002(Switzerland). R`05 intends to propose sustainable solutions and an effective dialogue between decision-makers and resource management professionals in industrial, political, academic, social, financial and environmental sectors

Data: 25 de setembro de 2005
Início: 1 de setembro de 2005
País: China
Cidade: Beijing
Informações para Contato:
Tel: +86-21-52341226 fax: +86-21-52340649
Email:: vickie.xie@sh-wes.com
Link: http://www.R05.org

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