9th International Recycling, Environmental Technologies & Waste Management Trade Fair 2013

The Objective of REW İSTANBUL for 2013 is 12.500 Professional Visitors! 8th INTERNATIONAL RECYCLING, ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES & WASTE MANAGEMENT TRADE FAIR REW ISTANBUL is the only international exhibition in Turkey, dedicated to all sub-branches of environmental technologies. Turkey is not only big country with 70 million population, but is the geological and historical gateway to the Middle East, Caspian & Central Asian Regions. REW ISTANBUL is the MEETING POINT for the international environmental technology suppliers with the local and regional industrialists & decision makers.

Data: 13 de junho de 2013
Início: 1 de junho de 2013
País: Turquia
Cidade: Istanbul
Informações para Contato:
Link: http://www.rewistanbul.com/index_en.php

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