Australia – recycling fee plan for electro-scrap as Government assess advanced disposal fees

The price of televisions and computers could soon jump as state and federal governments consider up-front recycling fees on expensive electrical equipment to reduce landfill.

The Age newspaper reports that Victorian Environment Minister John Thwaites has backed the plan and said the up-front fee recycling approach could be applied to TVs, computers, tyres, fluorescent lamps, packaging materials, plastic bags and mobile phones.

Mr Thwaites said that at a recent meeting of state and federal environment ministers, it was agreed the Commonwealth Government would investigate the application of “advanced recycling fees” to encourage recycling of electronic equipment including televisions and computers. It is understood the federal Environment Department will begin work on the proposal later this year, with a report to be sent to the next meeting of environment ministers.

Mr Thwaites said electronic equipment contained valuable resources that could be reused and also hazardous materials that could pose a threat to the environment when dumped in landfill. He said “a number of industry sectors had been working on national product stewardship schemes that will result in their products being recycled and therefore diverted from landfill. For example, the TV industry has put forward a funded voluntary scheme where millions of TVs could be collected and recycled. Because most electronic goods are imported from overseas, we need the Commonwealth to use its powers to bring in a standardised, national approach,”.

Mr Thwaites said Victoria had already established “Byteback” recycling centres for unwanted electronic goods. He said there had to be a national approach to recycling. “Australia is in real danger of becoming an international pariah if we fail to develop consistent national solutions to the nation‘‘s environmental problems.”

A spokesman for federal Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull, said the Government was happy to move forward on the recycling scheme.

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #24-2007-June 15, 2007
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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