California to Ban Outdoor Burning of Household Garbage

The California Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Resources Board (ARB) has accepted a proposal to ban the outdoor burning of household garbage at home by January 1, 2004. Burning of vegetation will still be allowed under this ban.

The US EPA has determined that burning waste products at home is one of the largest uncontrolled sources of dioxins in the United States. Currently state officials estimate that 108,000 California households burn some or all of their waste. Presently in the 35 air districts in California, six allow all forms of burning, 21 permit limited household garbage burning, and eight prohibit any burning other than natural vegetation. The ban will affect most of these households, although some exemptions are included for very rural areas with low population densities. In these low density areas, paper and cardboard will be exempted from the ban, with a provision to allow the exemption to be reviewed at a later date

Ano da Publicação: 2002
Fonte: Warmer Bulletin
Autor: José Penido
Email do Autor:

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