Canada – Peel Region to consider piloting compostable carry out bags

Earlier this year the Region of Peel Council put forward a resolution that requested the Province to enact legislation to ban plastic carry out sacks. Through the deputations of industry, including EPIC, the Retail Council of Canada (RCC) and the Canadian Council of Grocery Distributors (CCGD), this resolution was referred back to the Region‘‘s Waste Management Subcommittee and ultimately to staff who were to consult with industry and report back to this committee in the future.

At a meeting of invited industry stakeholders and Region of Peel staff in August 2005 a proposal was put forward to by the Region of Peel to conduct a limited pilot of compostable carry-out sacks, whose shape and size would mimic existing carry out sacks, at the point of sale at a select number of grocery stores.

In its proposal the Region of Peel envisioned that consumers would be able to choose these carry out sacks and purchase them. The compostable carry out sacks would be branded to indicate that they are for the Region of Peel‘‘s Region Wide Organics programme only.

After additional consultation with the industry stakeholders staff will prepare a report for the Waste Management Subcommittee with regard to industry consultation and the aforementioned proposal. It is expected that this report will be written in October 2005

Ano da Publicação: 2005
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #35-2005-August 27, 2005
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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