Canada – quick-service restaurant recycling and composting study clean Nova Scotia

The Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators (AMRC) reports that thefinal report of Quick-Service Restaurant Recycling and Composting Study is now available from Clean Nova Scotia.
The study was conducted on behalf of Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Labour and RRFB (Resource Recovery Fund Board) Nova Scotia, and features a review of the issues surrounding quick-service restaurant recycling and composting in the province. The objective of the study was to review existing systems for public area recycling and composting and make recommendations for the implementation of these programs across the province.
A summary of the issues was developed through consultation (in the form of interviews) with key stakeholders such as restaurant owners/managers, waste haulers and regional waste management coordinators. The study addresses issues raised by stakeholders regarding source separation in front-of-the-counter in quick-service restaurants. Stakeholders included regional waste reduction coordinators, provincial government, waste haulers, and quick-service restaurant owners and managers. Included with the report is a separate research study conducted in Bridgewater.
The study is organized into the following categories:
Source Separation and Contamination
Containers and Signage
Stakeholder Education, Awareness and Support
Public Education and Awareness Implementation
Date and Enforcement
Hauling Issues
Municipal Issues
Appendix A – Bridgewater Case Study
Appendix B – McDonald´s Case Study
AMRC notes that several owners or operators have successfully instituted customer-based waste sorting in local quick-service restaurants. However, many challenges exist as certain conditions and strategies must be in place to ensure successful waste separation. These ideal conditions and strategies include a clear understanding of responsibilities of all stakeholders involved, the relevant by-laws and legislation, and proper source separation in each region.

Also identified were well-planned source separation strategies, suitable containers and signage, staff commitment and training, a close relationship among restaurants, waste educators and haulers, public education initiatives, corporate-level awareness and active partnership, and enforcement at handling facilities.

The first step taken by restaurants and waste coordinators should be to identify waste reduction strategies, followed by the implementation of a wellplanned source separation strategy. Restaurants should aim to decrease the amount of waste they create and make efforts to replace remaining waste products, which are usually plastics, with reusable or biodegradable materials since plastics are a major source of contamination.

Ideally, customers can then put all of their remaining waste in an organics collection container.

The study found the structure for municipal tipping fees is inconsistent around Nova Scotia. Some regions charge less for recyclables and organics than for garbage. Restaurants and businesses need to realize the economic benefit of source separating their waste.

Currently, there are no regulations regarding what fees waste haulers charge restaurants for removal of their waste. The study suggests municipal tipping fees for garbage should be significantly higher than tipping fees for recyclables and organics. The tipping fees for recycling and organics should be low or non-existent.

A tipping fee structure that encourages recycling and composting of waste should be implemented across the province. The haulers´ pricing system would then reflect this pricing structure in order to provide an incentive to restaurant owners and managers to source separate their waste.

For more information, visit Clean Nova Scotia´s website at:>

Ano da Publicação: 2004
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #03-2004: February 07, 2004
Autor: Kit Strange
Email do Autor:

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