Canada – Toronto tests use of single bin for recycling and garbage

As the new recycling bins start to rumble into dense downtown streets, the city has authorized a trial project to allow households to make alternate use of the same bin for garbage and recycling.

The Toronto Star reports that the city‘‘s plan is to deliver a new blue bin, with wheels, for recycling purposes to every single-family household.

Later this year, they‘‘ll get another bin, the same design except grey, for garbage.

But on some downtown streets of high density, residents of row houses who have no front yard or side access have complained they hardly have space for one bin, let alone two – plus the bins being offered are too large.

After meeting with residents and Councillor Pam McConnell (Ward 28, Toronto Centre-Rosedale), city officials are ready to try out a new arrangement in the ward.

Residents can elect to get one bin only and use it for recyc ling one week and garbage the next.

Those choosing that option must make sure they don‘‘t jumble garbage and recycling together, said Geoff Rathbone, general manager of solid waste.

The city will also scale back the size of bins to be delivered.

Residents can still choose any size bin they wish.

Until now, though, householders who didn‘‘t respond to a questionnaire sent out by the city were destined to get a large bin, the equivalent of four blue boxes.

But now, if there‘‘s no response, the default size is medium (two blue boxes).

The city has ordered small bins as a third choice for homes, but they haven‘‘t been manufactured yet. Once they‘‘re available, residents will be offered a chance to revert to the smaller bin if they wish.

The new options for Ward 28 will be explained in a letter to residents next week.

They‘‘ll have two weeks to reply.

“We‘‘re committed to find a solution th at works for everyone, bearing in mind the overall goals of the city, ” Rathbone said in an interview.

The city has pledged to reach a 70 per cent standard by 2010 for the share of collected garbage sent to recycling, composting or reuse programs.

In some areas, it may be easier for residents to carry their glass, plastic and paper throwaways a short distance to a communal recycling bin. That option could also be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Depending on how the trial goes in McConnell‘‘s ward, similar options may be offered in other tightly clustered neighbourhoods around the city.

Ano da Publicação: 2007
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #04-2008-January 25, 2008
Autor: Kit Strange/Warmer Bulletin
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