
Tijolos de PET

Os ensaios estruturais para prever o desempenho demonstraram que o sistema construtivo com garrafas plásticas é tecnicamente viável para a construção de habitações Uma pesquisa desenvolvida no Laboratório de Sistemas Construtivos (Labsisco), da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), resultou no desenvolvimento de painéis modulares feitos com garrafas de politereftalato …

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YMCA in Lebanon finds "green" way to ditch solid waste – pilot project offers alternative method of treating organic matter

The Daily Star in Lebanon reports that rural and small communities can now manage their solid waste management problems by using an environmentally friendly composting system with proven viable results. Improper disposal of domestic solid wastes, especially in rural areas, is one of the leading causes of environmental degradation in …

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UK – household waste turned to car fuel

Household rubbish from millions of British homes is to be used as a cheap and "green" fuel to power family cars, the world‘‘s biggest car-maker has announced, according to the Daily Mail General Motors, which owns Britain‘‘s Vauxhall as well as Sweden‘‘s Saab, is backing a new system to create …

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UK – manufacturers join consumer electronics efficiency initiative

Intellect‘‘s Consumer Electronics Council has joined the British Retail Consortium, retailers and the Government to work on the details of an initiative to phase out energy-intensive consumer electronics products that cost consumers and the environment dearly, Minister for Climate Change Joan Ruddock said. The manufacturers‘‘ organisation, Intellect, has joined the …

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USA – cell phone recycling is an easy call

America‘‘s leading cell phone makers, service providers, and retailers have teamed up with the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to answer America‘‘s call for easy cell phone recycling. The EPA reports that, as part of its Plug-In to eCycling programme, partners supporting the cell phone recycling campaign include AT&T …

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Canada – biodegradable packaging causes concern to Ontario plastics recyclers

The challenges posed by biodegradable packaging to Ontario‘‘s blue box and organics systems have been highlighted at a number of events recently. The Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators (AMRC) reports that in October, the AMRC Materials Quality Workshop heard how products-particularly bottles-made from corn-based materials like polylactic acid (PLA) are …

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Empresa inglesa propõe reciclagem de celulares

A empresa inglesa tem uma proposta interessante para proprietários de celulares que querem trocar seus aparelhos. Em vez de descartá-los ou jogá-los no lixo, os usuários que querem se modernizar podem vender seus antigos celulares por um preço camarada ao site, que tem como proposta recondicionar o aparelho e …

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