
UK – Prime Minister considers action on plastic bags

The UK Government is considering further reducing Britain‘‘s carbon emissions‘‘ target and cutting the use of disposable plastic bags. Sky News reports that in his first major speech on the environment as Prime Minister, Gordon Brown said Britain must lead the world and commit to becoming a low carbon economy. …

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UK – shamed into recycling by transparent bags

Householders say they are being shamed into recycling after a council issued them with transparent rubbish bags. Manchester Evening News reports that waste collectors in Stockport used to issue black bags but have changed to transparent blue sacks meaning the rubbish can now be seen. Leaflets have also been sent …

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Reciclagem de óleo de cozinha

Sabe o óleo de cozinha, de soja, girassol ou canola, por exemplo, freqüentemente utilizado em frituras. Pois bem, sem falar no mal que o excesso pode causar ao organismo, ele também faz um enorme ao meio ambiente se jogado pelo ralo da pia, pois provoca o entupimento das tubulações nas …

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