
Kenya – toxic waste dump killing children: UN report

One of Africa‘‘s largest waste dumps, the Dandora Municipal Dumping Site in Nairobi, is a serious threat to children living nearby and the city‘‘s environment generally, a new study shows. The study, commissioned by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), examined 328 children aged 2-18 living around the Dandora waste dump …

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Wales – positive results for recycling and waste

Wales has seen positive increases in recycling and a reduction in waste sent to landfill according to figures just released. MRW reports that the Local Government Data Unit’s local authority performance 2006-07 bulletin shows that local authorities (LA) recycled 18% of waste collected compared to 15% in 2005-06. It also …

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O que é Biomassa?

Quando observamos uma árvore ou um pedaço de madeira, não imaginamos a importância em relação à energia que esses matérias podem produzir. A lenha já foi em tempo o principal combustível do mundo, mas foi substituído gradativamente após a 2ª Guerra Mundial pelo petróleo. Hoje, muito se fala em biomassa …

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Australia – recycling offsets car emissions

For every bin full of paper and cardboard put out to be recycled each fortnight, households are offsetting 90.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year, a report on recycling trends has found. Sydney Morning Herald reports that it‘‘s the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by driving a car …

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LIXO: Responsabilidade de todos

O lixo é todo e qualquer material que sobra da atividade humana, ou da natureza, sendo que se gerado pela natureza, ela própria se encarrega de cuidar. Todos nós sabemos e temos ouvido falar sobre a problemática do lixo, sua destinação e o que este acarreta ao meio ambiente. Produzimos …

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Italy – turning olive pits into energy

After you‘‘ve enjoyed a tangy olive, don‘‘t throw away the pit – it could soon be providing a clean, green answer to heat and electricity production, thanks to technology developed by Israeli start-up Genova, now setting up its first pilot plant. Israel21C reports that the company, which was founded in …

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