
Educação Ambiental no Calçadão

O Programa Eco Cidadão realiza hoje, dia 20 de junho, mais uma ação de educação ambiental. Das 14h às 16h, um grupo de alunos da Escola Municipal de Pescadores estará no calçadão da área central de Macaé, distribuindo cartilhas sobre os oito objetivos do milênio. No contato com a população, …

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Belgium – supermarket chain ends free plastic bags

From 1 July 2007 customers will no longer be able to pick up free plastic bags for their shopping at Delhaize supermarkets in Belgium. Expatica reports that the supermarket chain is opting instead to offer reusable alternatives based on renewable resources. Delhaize has announced this in the context of world …

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World – environmental impacts of tourists

Tourism, as one of the world‘‘s largest economic sectors, places direct and indirect pressures on species and habitats and thereby threatens their conservation. In addition, it may disturb wildlife and increase pollution caused by transportation. These potential impacts on nature and biodiversity are reinforced by the fact that tourists tend …

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Burundi: urban waste becomes urban fuel

Several months ago, residents of the Burundian capital, Bujumbura, were struggling with disposal of household waste. IPS Inter Press reports that the Municipal Technical Services (Services techniques municipaux, SETEMU) weren‘‘t able to deal with all the refuse — and health conditions in the city were deteriorating. Fast forward to June …

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