

Radiografias velhas. A grande maioria das pessoas tem pelo menos uma dessas chapas de acetato em casa. Porém, poucos sabem que elas fazem parte de um mercado bastante competitivo. Para se ter uma idéia do volume que esse tipo de ‘‘resíduo‘‘ dos serviços de saúde representa na sociedade, basta dizer …

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UK – London Heathrow terminal is recycled

Buying building and construction materials made from recycled products is proving a popular choice, according to a recent survey of London businesses. London Remade, the organisation behind the Mayor of London‘‘s Green Procurement Code found that out of the recorded £21,232,000 spent on recycled products, 45% was on building and …

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UK – new practical guide to recycling window waste launched

A good practice guide to recycling window waste aimed at window replacement, conservatory and building maintenance and renovation companies has been launched by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme). The publication, Recycling Your Window Waste: A good practice guide, is designed to provide window fabricators, installation professionals, site managers …

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USA – computer recycling plan in Congress

A draft bill that would instruct the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to set up a national electronic waste recycling program was introduced into the House of Representatives last week – with the possibility of a recycling levy on PC makers. Pinsent Masons reports that the National Computer Recycling Act, …

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New Zealand – vehicle disposal plan proposed

A nationally co-ordinated approach to disposing of endof- live vehicles (ELVs) is proposed by the Motor Trade Association. Zero Waste NZ Trust eports that recent figures show New Zealand‘‘s car fleet, now at 2.5 million, is getting older because of older Japanese imports. A Massey University study found that about …

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Norway – waste incineration doubled in ten years

Energy recovery increases and the amount of waste entering landfills diminishes. A handy overview from Statistics Norway. About 70 per cent of the energy in waste incinerated is recovered by Norway‘‘s incineration plants, corresponding to 560 000 tonnes of waste. While the amount of waste entering incineration has doubled in …

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Europe – environmental policy plans for 2005

EurActiv provides a handy an overview of the main EU policy debates that will dominate the agenda in 2005. Lisbon strategy: The mid-term review to be presented at the Spring summit will use the input from the Kok report to try and refocus the ambitious, but so far relatively unsuccesful …

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