

Imagine um festival de música como foi a terceira edição do Rock in Rio, que aconteceu em janeiro de 2001. Muita festa, muito agito e… muita sujeira. Pois é, num evento como esse cada espectador é capaz de produzir, em média, 800 gramas de lixo

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Calcula-se que, no Brasil, existam cerca de 300 indústrias de reciclagem de plástico, que faturam cerca de R$ 250 milhões e geram até 20 mil empregos diretos. Graças à iniciativa dessas empresas, 15% do plástico consumido retornam à produção como matéria-prima, o que equivale a 200 mil toneladas por ano. …

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Can Composting BMPS Reduce Air Emissions?

Imagine a scenario where all yard trimmings collected for recycling have to be received, processed and composted under the cover of a building. It would be tough for most yard trimmings composting facilities to survive the expense. Yet this situation could have occurred in Southern California. At one point, the …

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Deep in the Dumps? How municipalities can avert a waste disposal crisis

Municipalities across Canada are looking for economical and environmental methods to improve their waste management diversion methods. Some are scrambling to assess and extend landfill disposal capacity and others are trying to dramatically increase their diversion rates. Many are initiating a combination of strategies. Canada’s largest city has arguably received …

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Economic Analysis of Options for Managing Biodegradable Municipal Waste

1.1 Background The main objective of the study was: To conduct an economic evaluation, that considers both private and social welfare costs and benefits, of existing options for managing the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste. Although all management options (anaerobic digestion, composting, landfilling, incineration, etc.) receive some consideration in …

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Waste Treatment

Introduction The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Waste Management program directs the storage, treatment, and disposal of waste generated by DOE’s activities. In support of this mission, the Waste Management program uses a variety of treatment technologies to change the characteristics of the waste so that it may be more easily …

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Biodegradable waste strategy drafted Actions leading to "real achievements on waste" EUR25m for recycling among new measures announced

560,000 or 42% of Irish households are now segregating their waste, there are now over 1,700 recycling facilities nationwide and recycling in Dublin has increased by 300% in three years. These were among the statistics contained in the first 5-year report on Ireland´s waste management progress. Publishing the report, titled …

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Canada – Ontario plans for 60 per cent diversion

In Ontario, Canada the state government has announced a strategy to better manage Ontario’s waste and reduce the province’s reliance on landfills, focusing on achieving 60 per cent waste diversion from landfill. The continued export of Ontario waste, particularly from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), to the United States is …

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Macacos no lixo

Na Universidade Federal de Goiás os macacos prego estão roubando e se alimentando do lixo. Eles abrem a tampa do contêiner e retiram as embalagens de iogurte, sucos e outros restos, muitos deles morrem por engasgarem com a embalagem, estão diabéticos, obesos, agressivos e preguiçosos, pois não vivem mais da …

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Japan – recycling law spurs sales of used PCs

Sellers of used personal computers in Japan are enjoying brisk trade, partly because consumers are now required by law to spend several thousand yen on sending PCs they no longer need back to manufacturers. The Japan Times reprots that the vigorous market may also be tied to the onset of …

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