
Asfalto feito com pneu velho é testado no Ceará

Obras são resultado dos estudos da Rede Cooperativa de Pesquisa em Asfalto do Norte e Nordeste Fortaleza já conhece a novidade: asfalto feito de pneu velho. Boa alternativa para driblar o problema de reciclagem dos pneus, a nova tecnologia pode revolucionar as técnicas de pavimentação. A Universidade Federal do Ceará …

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Camisetas feitas de pneu

Camisetas feitas de pneu A Ford é uma das montadoras que está na luta para conseguir resolver o problema do desperdício de materiais e por isso está trabalhando com uma equipe de especialistas britânicos em reciclagem da empresa London Remake. O objetivo dessa parceria é o reaproveitamento dos detritos da …

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Pay-as-you-throw – case study in Spain

The Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling has issued a note on what is one of the first “Pay-as-you throw” experiences in a Spanish Municipality. Torrelles de Llobregat, a small Spanish town (4,100 inhabitants) in the area of Barcelona, has successfully implemented a “pay-as-you-throw” scheme for improving its municipal …

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Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling – ACRR – study methods, costs and financing of waste collection in Europe

The Association of Cities & Regions for Recycling (ACRR) has published a study comparing the organisation of selective collection schemes, waste management costs and how these costs are allocated in several European national policies. The report is a helpful tool for policy-makers to identify key factors for waste management costs …

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Denmark – new waste strategy 2005-2008

The Danish Government has published a new Waste Strategy for the period 2005-2008. The strategy, which outlines the Government’s waste policy for the coming years, is founded on three cornerstones: prevention of the resource loss and environmental load associated with waste decoupling of the increase in the amount of waste …

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Aluminium recycling with fuzzy logic

Typically, recycling scrap aluminium requires only 5% of the energy needed to produce the same amount of metal from bauxite ore. Clearly, this makes the process very attractive, both in financial and environmental terms. If, however, high levels of throughput, combined with efficient recovery, are to be achieved, sophisticated recycling …

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