
Leicester UK expects 70 per cent recycling by 2005

Here is some news from the UK newspaper the Leicester Mercury. It looks like a giant washing machine – but it’s the answer to Leicester’s waste problems. A team from Leicester has visited Germany to see the kind of technology that will revolutionise recycling in this city from 2005. Residents …

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Recycling – the secret of success in Daventry, UK?

Daventry District Council (DDC) is currently the UK’s leading recycling authority, diverting 43% of all household waste from landfill through doorstep collections of recyclables (paper, steel and aluminium cans, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles and textiles) and organic wastes (garden and kitchen wastes). Consultants (and RRF members) Environmental Resources …

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NIMBY a problem, but legislation provides momentum in European waste-to-energy plant market

The waste-to-energy industry is finding itself confronted with growing opposition from environmental pressure groups and objections raised by Nimbys – those campaigners who proclaim Not In My Back Yard against the siting and development of major waste facilities, especially thermal treatment plants. Consultants Frost & Sullivan report that in addition …

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The History of Ash Heaps

New Yorkers are creatures of habit, when it comes to trash. To prove this, one need only leave a small pile of garbage out on some street corner. It will grow exponentially, all of a sudden a designated trash site. The problem of what to do with what they throw …

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Indústrias não fornecem dados precisos para inventário de resíduos sólidos

De um universo de 295 empresas industriais e comerciais de pequeno, médio e grande portes analisadas pela Agência Ambiental, somente 135 devolveram os formulários preenchidos à agência. Os formulários deveriam conter informações sobre os tipos de resíduos gerados em 2001, bem como sua quantidade, armazenamento, tratamento e destino final. Destas, …

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