
Japan – Fujitsu reveals biodegradable laptop

ZDNet reports that Fujitsu has taken the use of biodegradable plastic beyond picnic ware and household items, and designed a notebook with a biodegradable chassis. The Fujitsu LifeBook sports a chassis made from a plastic made from cornstarch, rather than petroleum. When it is disposed of, the chassis will decompose …

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Minhocas limpam lixo doméstico

O conceito é simples: as minhocas têm um apetite voraz por tudo o que é orgânico; logo, vamos dar-lhes todo o lixo que produzimos para que limpem, literalmente, embalagens de plástico, vidros, cerâmicas e outros objectos, permitindo a sua reciclagem e evitando a sua colocação em aterros. A empresa portuguesa …

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30% da comida vai para o lixo

As famílias de países ricos deitam fora cerca de 30 por cento dos alimentos que compram, segundo um estudo apresentado na World Water Week, a conferência mundial sobre a água, que termina esta sexta-feira em Estocolmo, na Suécia. Segundo o director do Comité Científico do Instituto Internacional da Água de …

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UK – House of Lords to investigate waste reduction

The House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee has appointed a sub-committee, chaired by Lord O‘‘Neill of Clackmannan, to look at sustainable approaches to waste reduction. The inquiry will focus on the first level of the waste hierarchy, waste reduction, and will look into ways in which products and …

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Canada – British Columbia launches industry-led E-waste programme

The Electronics Stewardship Association of British Columbia (BC) has launched a province-wide electronics stewardship programme. Globe-Net reports that Encorp Pacific has been contracted to deliver the new industry-led programme, which is built upon enhanced provincial recycling regulations. Encorp will collect and recycle computers, monitors, desktop printers and TVs. ESABC represents …

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Canada – Ontario seeks energy from landfills

Ontario has proposed amending an existing regulation that will make it mandatory for new, expanding and existing operating landfills larger than 1.5 million cubic metres to install a system to capture methane. Globe-net reports that the proposal received support from the Ontario Waste Management Association (OWMA), landfill-gas capture firm Integrated …

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Australia – confusing facts of the great nappy debate

Are biodegradable nappies really biodegradable? Is biodegradablity a good thing in a nappy? Faced with the stark choice between cloth nappies or commercial disposables, many mums have looked for a compromise. Biodegradable nappies seem to offer the convenience of a disposal with the social responsibility of a sustainable alternative. But …

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