
India – mercury-laden bio-waste segregation a must

The Central Pollution Control Board has written to all State Pollution Control Boards to make the segregation of mercury-contaminated bio-waste a condition for granting authorisation to the healthcare centres. The Hindu newspaper reports that new healthcare establishments will have to ensure the mercury-laden waste is properly segregated, treated and disposed …

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Malta – WasteServ launches waste minimisation and recycling message awareness project

WasteServ has started implementing an EU funded project worth EUR200,000 to train 20 job-seekers in raising awareness about waste minimisation and recycling. The trained job-seekers are now assisting in motivating householders to cooperate in waste management issues such as waste minimisation, the proper use of bring-in sites and civic amenity …

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Australia – Aussies not recycling enough

Australians may be using more toilet paper made from recycled material than a decade ago, but are still one of the biggest producers of waste in the world. The Age reports that a survey on the nation‘‘s recycling rates by environmental group Planet Ark, reveals Australians are recycling more than …

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How Biodiesel Works

Biodiesel runs in any unmodified diesel engine. There is no “engine conversion” typical of other alternative fuels. The diesel engine can run on biodiesel because it operates on the principle of compression ignition whereby air is compressed and then fuel is sprayed into the ultra-hot, ultra-pressured combustion chamber. Unlike gasoline …

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Biodiesel Benefits

1) Biodiesel runs in any conventional, unmodified diesel engine. No engine modifications are necessary to use biodiesel and there is no “engine conversion.” In other words, “you just pour it into the fuel tank.” 2) Biodiesel can be stored anywhere that petroleum diesel fuel is stored. All diesel fueling infrastructure …

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Biodiesel Emissions

Overall biodiesel emissions are lower than gasoline or diesel fuel emissions (with the exception of NOx, which we discuss on the next page). Compared to diesel, biodiesel produces no sulfur, no net carbon dioxide, up to 20 times less carbon monoxide and more free oxygen. Biodiesel has the following emissions …

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Pesquisadores desenvolvem biofilme comestível

As embalagens biodegradáveis são uma das mais recentes alternativas que vêm despertando o interesse de pesquisadores brasileiros. As tradicionais embalagens de plásticos sintéticos, embora garantam a proteção desejada para diversos tipos de produtos, causam sérios problemas ao meio ambiente por não serem biodegradáveis. Na Unicamp, o assunto está sendo estudado …

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