
Japan – eco-friendly airport plan for Narita

Earlier this year, Narita International Airport Corp. (NAA) announced that it had formulated an Eco-Airport Master Plan, which defines detailed environmental preservation activities aiming to make the airport environmentally-friendly Japan for Sustainability reports that the plan is an airport-wide initiative, led by the Eco-Airport Planning Developing Council, consisting of about …

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How Can I Recycle?

How Can I Recycle? Every year, each Londoner produces over a tonne of waste – this is likely to be the equivalent of 200 black bin bags each*. There are over 7 million people in London each contributing to this, between them generating a theoretical 1.5 billion black bags of …

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Europe – Waste Framework Directive

The newspaper European Voice covered the important, topical issue of the revision to the EU Waste Framework Directive (WFD), dedicating several pages to the consequences of the proposed changes. Here are some relevant extracts. Europe‘‘s war on waste The European Commission is preparing to overhaul the waste framework directive as …

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Taiwan – EPA to enforce waste oil recycling

The Taiwanese Environmental Protection Administration has decided enforce recycling of waste cooking oils from next year, and will stipulate fines of between NT$1,200 (£20) and NT$5,000 (£84) for persons found mixing waste cooking oils with garbage. Taiwan News reports that, according to the EPA, the move is aimed at launching …

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Lixo reciclável pode ser exportado

Mandar lixo reciclável para o exterior. A idéia pode parecer utópica, mas esse é o propósito do italiano Claúdio Marchi, que chegou a Londrina há pouco mais de um ano e está vendo nas embalagens pet e tetra pak boas fontes de renda fora do Brasil. Trabalhando como contato internacional …

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Carroças duelam com os carrões

Enfrentar o trânsito da cidade, especialmente na hora do rush, é irritante para qualquer motorista, de carrinho ou de carrão. Imagine para um cavalo, um burrinho ou um jumento engatado a uma carroça, carregando quilos de material e ouvindo buzina por todos os lados. Imagine agora a falta desses animais, …

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