
USA – EPA targets paper recycling

The United States EPA, Washington, has sought the input of companies throughout the recycling supply chain to help it determine how best to encourage Americans to recycle more paper. Recycling Today reports that rhe federal agency hosted a meeting in early June of more than 40 people drawn from the …

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Malta – new waste regulations to be introduced

The government of Malta will soon conclude the drafting a policy to be able to launch large projects of land reclamation from sea and the creation of artificial islands using construction waste, the Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi stated. According to a report from, while addressing his monthly press briefing, …

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UK – plastic bottles recycling doubles

A 100% increase in plastic bottle recycling over the past two years has been revealed by research funded by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme) and carried out by Recoup (RECycling Of Used Plastics). The UK Plastic Bottle Recycling Survey 2005 includes data submitted by all 477 UK local …

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Australia – new heights in newspaper recycling

Australia has hit a new high in recycling of its newspapers, with a national average of 73.5% for 2003, according to the annual report on the recovered newsprint market from the Publishers National Environment Bureau (PNEB). The report, produced for the PNEB by the News Limited Environmental Secretariat, showed that …

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Australia – new heights in newspaper recycling

Australia has hit a new high in recycling of its newspapers, with a national average of 73.5% for 2003, according to the annual report on the recovered newsprint market from the Publishers National Environment Bureau (PNEB). The report, produced for the PNEB by the News Limited Environmental Secretariat, showed that …

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