

Durante os últimos anos, as cidades européias têm questionado suas tradicionais práticas de pré-seleção e coleta de resíduos e a procurado por novos projetos que minimizem os problemas ambientais gerados pela disposição de resíduos. Este estudo apresenta uma metodologia integral para quatro práticas de pré-seleção que estão começando a ser …

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New report shows recycling targets can drive costs up

A new report, which uses the computing power of the Integrated Waste Management (IWM) Computer Model, clearly shows that if packaging materials and printed materials generated from Ontario’s households had recycling targets of 60 per cent put on “each material”, then Blue Box costs would increase significantly and there would …

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What is Litter?

Litter is any product or material that is lying around on our highways, parks, beaches or streets that doesn‘‘t belong there. A recent litter audit from a large, Canadian city found that litter can be any of a wide range of items, such as: Miscellaneous paper or cardboard; Printed paper …

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Biodegradable Plastics

Back in the early 1980s, a number of North American entrepreneurs began marketing the first generation of biodegradable plastic products. At the time, applications for biodegradable plastics focused on single-use disposable products, such as garbage bags, snack food wrappers and disposable plates. These applications were targeted to address litter concerns …

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Sweden – stabilisation of landfills with fly ash

In Sweden, large amounts of household waste have been land-filled and are now waiting for final covering. At the same time, more and more organic waste is incinerated, resulting in growing amounts of fly ash. International Wastenews, Waste Centre Denmark no. 1, 2005 reports that tests have been made with …

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Europe – re-thinking the waste hierarchy

Here is news of a thought-provoking report from Denmark‘‘s Environmental Assessment Institute (EAI) – an independent institution under the Danish Ministry of the Environment. There is an increasing need to couple environmental and economic considerations within waste management. Consumers and companies alike generate ever more waste. The waste-policy challenges of …

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The Netherlands – study of separation techniques for construction and demolition waste

Under the so-called Kringbouw project in the Netherlands, which aims to close the material loop in the construction sector, researchers at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have studied advantages and disadvantages of different separation techniques: wind screens, ballistic separators, inclined screens and colour separation. International Wastenews, Waste …

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