
India – Delhi turns to environmental-friendly roads

In another attempt to deal with environmentally hazardous plastic wastes, the Delhi Government has shown its keenness on using waste materials like plastic bags in making roads. The Pioneer reports that the authorities have decided to go ahead with the construction of plastic roads in the Capital. Delhi will be …

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Visible waste management and new approach underway

The Carl Bro Group, an international consulting company based in Copenhagen, is assisting I/S Vestforbrænding in the development of a new waste management concept. The keywords are dynamism, clarity and digitisation, and the project allows a high degree of citizen participation. 28 municipalities I/S Vestforbrænding, the largest incineration plant in …

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UK – new composting plant opens

West London Composting (WLC) new plant, claimed to be the UK‘‘s first composting centre modelled on advanced European facilities, has now opened. The company has been established to partner with local authorities in a bid to help the Government increase the amount of household waste recycled from 15 per cent …

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A importância da reciclagem

O Brasil joga 5,8 bilhões de reais por ano no lixo. A constatação feita pelo economista Sabetai Calderon é estarrecedora já que corresponde a 17 vezes o orçamento destinado ao Ministério do Meio Ambiente. Para o engenheiro químico e administrador, Gerhard Erich Boehme, consultor da Boehme Brasil Consulting, este é …

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UK – consultation on landfill aftercare controls

Proposals that will change the way landfill operators fund the management and maintenance of landfill sites after they have closed have been announced by the Environment Agency. The proposals, which will ensure that landfill operators make cash available for the aftercare of their site from the first day of its …

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Lixo: Tesouro desperdiçado

Na natureza não há lixo e sua capacidade de integrar todos os materiais necessários em ciclos é um dos segredos da manutenção da vida em nosso planeta. A folha que cai de uma árvore devolve água à atmosfera, é decomposta e alimenta seres que vivem no solo, fornecendo materiais que …

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