
Programa Entulho Limpo (1a. etapa) – Coleta Seletiva

Atualmente, no Brasil, é comum a disposição irregular de entulho e, por este motivo, esses resíduos são considerados como sendo um problema de limpeza pública, acarretando uma série de inconvenientes para toda a sociedade, tais como: altos custos para o sistema de limpeza urbana, saúde pública (ex.: dengue), enchentes, assoreamento …

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German court backs can/bottle recycling law

A German court has backed a government plan to introduce deposit charges on non-refillable cans and bottles next year, overturning an earlier ruling to block the measures in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The German government aims to introduce a deposit of 25 cents for small containers and 50 …

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The use of second hand car components in car fleets

Environmentally friendly solutions and economic benefits are not incompatible. This is what the RESPECT-project, supported by the EU LIFE-Environment aid programme has proved. The main goal of the project was to demonstrate that the re-usage of car parts on a large scale is economically, ecologically and technically possible. Nearly 80 …

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Green tax of £70 a flight

know this is not mainstream solid waste, but it is relevant to environmental economic instruments, waste & resources, sustainable tourism, food miles etc etc… Airline passengers should pay a green tax of at least £70 per return ticket to reduce the amount of global warming caused by flights, the UK …

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Electronics stewardship appears more likely in US

Delicate negotiations between government, industry and environmental interests in electronics recycling soon may lead to an agreement on a nationwide recovery system for obsolete computers, monitors and televisions. Resource Recycling reports that a group of about a dozen officials hopes to deliver a recommendation in February to a larger alliance …

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