
Welsh worms win waste work [Always avoid alliteration!]

The Western Mail reports that Welsh entrepreneurs have pioneered a way to turn biodegradable household waste into an “aphrodisiac for plants”, using 32 million “workers”. With the help of millions of worms, the transformation from rubbish to fertiliser takes less than two weeks, and the company has won cash backing …

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Australian PVC industry steps up environment commitment

Australian Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Dr David Kemp has launched a voluntary product stewardship commitment by the Vinyl Council of Australia to improve environmental performance in the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) industry. The commitment will promote more environmentally friendly practices in the production, use and disposal of PVC products …

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UK consultation on landfill gas management

The EU Landfill Directive requires landfill gas to be collected and used where possible. It is important that emissions to air from landfill sites are managed and monitored to control gases and combustion products that potentially impact on health, the environment or amenity. A series of guidance documents have been …

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