
USA – cell phone recycling is an easy call

America‘‘s leading cell phone makers, service providers, and retailers have teamed up with the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) to answer America‘‘s call for easy cell phone recycling. The EPA reports that, as part of its Plug-In to eCycling programme, partners supporting the cell phone recycling campaign include AT&T …

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China – Plastic Bags set to be banned

China has launched a crackdown on plastic bags, banning production of ultra-thin bags and forbidding supermarkets and shops from handing out free carriers from June 1. Chinese news agency Xinhua reports that the government will impose limits on the use of plastic bags starting on June 1, as part of …

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Canada – plastic bags banned in Quebec town

Huntingdon has became the first Quebec municipality to go plastic bag free – at store check-out counters, at least – and the transition has been surprisingly painless, merchants say. reports that the Huntingdon bylaw means no retail outlet can distribute plastic bags, no advertiser can deliver fliers in plastic …

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Wales – Rocket composter for university waste

A new composting machine is turning students‘‘ leftovers at Aberystwyth University into food for plants. BBC Online reports that the Rocket composter can cope with 1.2 tonnes (1,750 litres) per week and takes just 14 days to convert waste from cafes into garden food. Leftovers from kitchens at the students‘‘ …

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USA – plasma gasification converts waste to energy in Minnesota

The Minnesota state legislature recently awarded US$400,000 to Koochiching County in the north-central part of the state to fund a feasibility study for a potential facility that would convert municipal solid waste (MSW) into energy. Biomass magazine reports that the plant, which would be located near International Falls, would use …

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Italy – army tackles Naples waste chaos

Reuters reports that Italy‘‘s army began shifting mountains of rubbish from schools and streets in the region around Naples on Monday to keep the city from grinding to a halt after more than two weeks of garbage crisis. Protesters angered at plans to revive a landfill in their neighborhood clashed …

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Italy – rubbish torched in Naples crisis

Rubbish is blocking some streets and leaving an unpleasant smell. Piles of rubbish have been set alight by residents in Naples angered by a continuing row about refuse. Local dumps are completely full and communities have blocked attempts to build new ones in their areas. BBC Online reports that refuse …

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Bioplástico a partir da cana-de-açúcar

Segundo os pesquisadores, além da utilização de bactérias, também se pode produzir bioplástico a partir da fermentação, utilizando levedura. Foram feitas, ainda, experiências com o milho, o algodão e outras plantas-modelo, como o tabaco e Arabidopsis thaliana, que é uma planta daninha. Mas, muito mais na parte experimental, nada industrial. …

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Doutorandos da UFRGS pesquisam produção de plástico biodegradável

ADEMAR VARGAS DE FREITAS Jornalista Dois biólogos que fazem doutorado na UFRGS realizam pesquisa básica para a produção de plástico biodegradável a partir de bactérias que se alimentam de resíduos agro-industriais existentes no Brasil. O biólogo Diego Bonatto e a bióloga Heique Bogdawa esperam desenvolver uma tecnologia brasileira, aproveitando a …

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UK – ‘nanohybrid‘ plastic may expand use of biodegradable plastic

Scientists in New York are reporting development of a new biodegradable “nanohybrid” plastic that can be engineered to decompose much faster than existing plastics used in everything from soft drink bottles to medical implants. Science Daily reports that the plastic is a modified form of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), a promising biodegradable …

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