Used condoms are being recycled into hairbands in southern China, threatening to spread sexually-transmittable diseases they were originally meant to prevent, state media reported, according to AFP. In the latest example of potentially harmful Chinese-made products, rubber hairbands have been found in local markets and beauty salons in Dongguan and …
Mais »Reciclagem de Pneus Usados
A estimativa para o número de pneus sucateados está entre 500 milhões e 3 bilhões, somente nos Estados Unidos. Aproximadamente 270 milhões de pneus são jogados fora anualmente, e seu despejo ilegal ou impróprio é muito perigoso, pois eles servem de criadores para roedores e mosquitos, além de serem muito …
Mais »Greece – Athens bid to curtail plastic bags
Supermarket managers have responded positively to a bid by Athens Mayor Nikitas Kaklamanis to start replacing plastic bags with more environmentally friendly fabric equivalents or reusable heavy-duty plastic ones, City Hall said, according to The initiative, an extension of Kaklamanis‘‘s campaign to boost recycling, aims to reduce the amount …
Mais »Um processo de reciclagem de pneus que é ecológico e ainda gera energia
Muitas pessoas sabem que um dos grandes problemas dos grandes aglomerados populacionais é uma correta eliminação de pneus velhos. Largados ao céu aberto, além de poluirem visualmente a paisagem, podem servir de abrigo para animais como ratos e cobras ou acumularem água de chuvas atraindo os mosquitos da dengue. Uma …
Mais »Japan – clothing take-back for recycling and reuse
With the increasing amount of clothing entering the waste stream in the UK and responsibility for end-of-life products being placed upon producers, solutions for diverting this waste/resource from landfill are needed. One country that has faced similar problems to the UK (for example limited landfill space and increase in the …
Mais »Scotland – householders encouraged to ‘love food hate waste’
A campaign to reduce the amount of food waste Scotland generates each year has been launched by Environment Cabinet Secretary Richard Lochhead and leading nutritionist and TV presenter Nell Nelson. Entitled Love Food Hate Waste, the nation-wide initiative – which has the backing of leading Scottish chefs including Nick Nairn, …
Mais »Wales – could “sink in rubbish” in less than 10 years
Wales will be sinking in its own rubbish within the next decade if new technologies are not developed and implemented, according to consultants Consultants Hyder reports that in less than seven years parts of Wales will have no landfill space left if the amount of waste generated by households, industry …
Mais »Japan – Kitakyushu starts pilot production of ethanol from food waste
In Kitakyushu City in southern Japan, a pilot plant to produce ethanol from food waste was established as a part of the city‘‘s Eco-Town project. Japan for Sustainability reports that the city started the collection of food waste from some hospitals, elementary schools, retailers and households in the city on …
Mais »UK – new project to demonstrate manufacturing of wood plastic composites using recycled MDF
WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) has announced the launch of an innovative project to demonstrate whether recycled medium density fibreboard (MDF) can be used in place of virgin wood flour in the manufacture of wood plastic composites (WPCs). The project, being conducted by Scottish based firm Impact Laboratories, will …
Mais »Canada – turning dirty diapers into diesel
If a generation that prides itself on being green is to be defined by its aggressive pursuit of energy efficiency and alternative sources of electricity and fuel, then maybe it‘‘s time we ditched the label “waste” and “garbage”, according to the Toronto Star. Is a used diaper, for example, just …
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