
Wales to ban plastic bags

A ban on plastic bags was placed firmly on the table by the Welsh Assembly Government yesterday. The Western Mail reports that the Welsh Government puts green issue at forefront of its new powers. The move, possibly by next March, could be the first under high-profile new law making powers. …

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Kenya – retailer Nakumatt to introduce re-usable carrier bags

An interesting transition from single use plastics to single use bioplastics, to reusable plastics in a couple of years, apparently impelled by an economic instrument. Kenya‘‘s biggest supermarket retailer, Nakumatt Holdings, is to launch a reusable carrier bag, following a Government move to levy 120 per cent excise duty on …

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Reciclagem de lâmpadas fluorescentes

As lâmpadas incandescentes convencionais são produzidas de vidro e metal. Elas não contém materiais prejudiciais ao meio ambiente. Na verdade, não há problema em se jogar as lâmpadas no lixo de casa. Porém, elas não devem ser jogadas em lixos para reciclagem de vidros, pois o tipo de vidro usado …

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UK recycling is not enough – we need to consume less

Recycling rates have risen, and the UK is on schedule to meet EU targets, but the key to dealing with our escalating waste problem lies in changing our buying habits and our attitudes to consumption, according to the authors of a new Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) publication. The …

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Reciclagem de lâmpadas fluorescentes: uma idéia luminosa

O sistema de coleta seletiva de lâmpadas fluorescentes criado pela Prefeitura do campus de Ribeirão (PCARP), pioneiro na Universidade, completa três anos. A preocupação com o destino deste tipo de lâmpada surgiu pois, apesar de mais econômica em termos energéticos, contém mercúrio metálico, que é nocivo ao ser humano e …

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