
Italy: ban on non-biodegradable plastic bags

Like France, Italy has passed a law providing for non-biodegradable plastic bags to be banned from 2010. Europen reports that a draft Decree to implement this measure is expected to be notified to the European Commission before the summer. The 2007 Finance Act also includes provision for a tax on …

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Japan – Government approves bill to amend food recycling law

In March, the Japanese Cabinet approved a bill containing proposed amendments to the Food Recycling Law. Japan for Sustainability reports that the bill aims to promote food recycling in the retail and restaurant industries by strengthening administrative guidance and supervision, and also by streamlining food recycling systems. In these industries, …

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Belgium: ecotax thrown out by Belgian Court

The Belgian government‘‘s plans to impose a tax on non-refillable containers have twice been ruled discriminatory and annulled by the Belgian Court of Arbitration. Europen reports that the Belgian government‘‘s response has been to introduce a revised tax, now also applicable on refillable beverage containers, which took effect on 10 …

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UK – surveys reveal mixed attitudes to work waste

Individuals should not be held responsible for environmentally friendly initiatives in the workplace, research has revealed. 70% of office workers polled … Some 70% of office workers polled by the ‘‘Green Initiatives‘‘ survey say the responsibility lies with company directors, facilities or office managers. Recycling & Waste World reports that …

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USA – new biobased biodegradable plastic hits market

New plant in Iowa will produce 50,000 tonnes pa. Mirel Natural Plastics, a family of high performance natural plastics that are biobased, sustainable and completely biodegradable will be produced by ADM and Metabolix Inc. the companies announced earlier this month. Industry Week reports that the companies formed a joint venture, …

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USA – biodegradable polymers created from poultry feathers

According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, more than 29 million tons of non-biodegradable plastic waste ends up in landfills each year. Justin Barone, associate professor of biological systems engineering at Virginia Tech, is investigating ways to create biodegradable plastics from agricultural byproducts such as poultry feathers and eggs …

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Australia – finds a new power source: beer

We know who turned water into wine. Now, reports the Timesonline, Australian scientists are going a step further – they are turning wine and beer waste into water to generate electricity. Miracles aside, man still relies on a lengthy process to make alcoholic drinks that produces tens of millions of …

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Pakistan – plastic bag ban yields 70 arrests

Resource Recycling reports that the City Nazim of Karachi, Pakistan has outlawed the sale or use of plastic bags less than 30 microns thick. The ban carries a penalty of three months in jail and/or a fine of $825 ($US), and is being aggressively enforced. Over 70 people have reportedly …

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Taiwan – EPA to introduce recycling of food oil in September 2007

Starting in September, waste food oil will be collected along with other recyclables and made into biodiesel, Taiwan‘‘s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced. The Taipei Times reports that the programme has been established in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Affairs‘‘ Green Country project, which mandates that all diesel …

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Europe – EU report on car recycling places UK among worst

An EU report into car recycling singles out Britain as one of the worst performing countries in Europe. Holland and Sweden were commended for having reached a target of recycling more than 85% of cars. Since January 2005 car owners have been obliged to take their vehicle to a registered …

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