IBM has announced that it processed over 100 million pounds of used and obsolete computer gear, as part of its computer renewal and recycling efforts worldwide in 2006, returning less than 1% of non-hazardous material to landfills. This is the fourth straight year in a row that IBM has managed …
Mais »Japan – Chofu City success with door-to-door collection and charging
Japan Society of Waste Management Experts reports that Chofu City, located in the western Tokyo Metropolitan Area – known as the Tama Area – is a municipality with a population of 213,000 and 104,000 households. In 2004, it reviewed the manner of separate collection of household waste and changed the …
Mais »UK – trial shows new extraction processes for additives will encourage WEEE plastics recycling
Separation and treatment to remove additives from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) can be more commercially and environmentally beneficial than landfill, incineration with energy recovery, export for recycling outside the UK or feedstock recycling options. These are the results of new research investigating the waste management options for mixed …
Mais »Brazil – survey of solid urban waste recycling shows signs of optimism
Brazilian NGO Cempre reports on a survey that has revealed that 11% of urban waste was recycled in Brazil in 2005. This rate, although appearing to be a return to 2003 figure, in fact reveals a more positive reality. The total recycled rose from 5.2 million tonnes in 2004 to …
Mais »USA – another inconvenient truth: Going green creating waste
The Arizona Republic reports that Americans are gaga for green, buying every eco-friendly product manufacturers and marketers can possibly conjure: the new forest-friendly sofas at Crate & Barrel, compostable sweeping towels at Target, kitchen countertops fashioned from recycled US$5 bills. But in dumpsters and landfills across the country, the green …
Mais »Europe – Italian bio-plastics inventors wins “European Inventor of the Year 2007” award
Catia Bastioli and her team from Novamont s. p.a., has won this year‘‘s “European Inventors of the Year 2007” award for their invention of biodegradable plastics obtained from starch, a renewable raw material. Catia Bastioli is the first woman to be honoured “European Inventor of the Year”. The “European Inventor …
Mais »Canada – Ottawa‘s homegrown technology is a better bet than incineration
USA – LA to study plastic bags and their alternatives
In a move aimed at lessening pollution in the city, Los Angeles officials decided Tuesday to investigate alternatives to plastic bags, including possibly banning plastic bags in the city altogether. The Daily Bruin reports that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works will conduct a study to look into …
Mais »Taiwan – vehicles required to add biodiesel from 2008
Starting next year, drivers in Taiwan will be required to add biodiesel in addition to gasoline to their vehicles to reduce air pollution, following revision of the Energy Administration Law by a committee of the Legislative Yuan. The China Post reports that economics Minister Steve R. L. Chen said Taoyuan …
Mais »Japan – Tokyo citizens, businesses, government work to reduce waste by 25% in 5 years
Tama City in Tokyo, Japan aims to reduce combustible and incombustible waste by 10,000 tons or 25 percent of present levels by fiscal 2012 under the combined efforts of citizens, businesses and the government, based on the Tama City Waste Reduction Plan by Collaborative Efforts formulated in December 2006. Japan …
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