Ottawa‘‘s homegrown waste-to-energy technology is a better bet than incineration because it won‘‘t emit dioxins and furans and it will still handle the city‘‘s garbage at a reasonable cost, businessman Rod Bryden told the The Ottawa Citizen. Mr. Bryden, president of Plasco Energy Group, will soon be powering up the …
Mais »UK – packaging – unwrapped
This is a long piece from New Scientist, but interesting if you want to learn how to landfill less the 5 kg household waste per family per year! I LOST 2 pounds the week I gave up packaging. Among aisles and aisles of neatly wrapped goods almost everything at my …
Mais »Vietnam – Prime Minister introduces waste management controls
VietNam‘‘s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung signed an environmental protection decree that regulates the management of solid wastes in Hanoi on April 9. The VNA reports that the new regulations state that, all dumping grounds and solid waste treatment stations must now comply with regional planning authorities and be granted …
Mais »Canada – retailer Loblaw plans to eliminate at least one billion plastic bags from landfills this year
“President‘‘s Choice” launches an expanded “PC GREEN” product range, including the introduction of the Reusable Shopping Bag – “Canada‘‘s Greenest Shopping Bag” Made from 85-per-cent post-consumer recycled materials, it is the greenest reusable shopping bag available in Canada. The sale of the bag is expected to divert at least one-billion …
Mais »World – controversial climate report paints dire future for poor
On Friday 6 April, government delegates of over 100 countries wrangled over the report written by climate change experts and agreed on a final compromise after a marathon night session. Several scientists expressed their anger at some of the changes demanded by the political delegates and threatened not to work …
Mais »UK – how trees might not be green in carbon offsetting debate
It may have become the penance of choice for the environmentally conscious individual, but planting trees to offset carbon emissions could contribute to global warming if they are planted outside the tropics, scientists believe. The Guardian reports that they argue that most forests do not have any overall effect on …
Mais »A Questão dos Pneus Reciclados
Os pneus europeus, identificados tecnicamente como sendo as melhores matrizes para o reuso ou reutilização através dos modernos processos de remoldagem, ainda não tiveram o reconhecimento pelo movimento ambientalista brasileiro, de modo especial àquele que se tem dedicado aos projetos e implantação de sistemas de reciclagem, reutilização e aproveitamento de …
Mais »Asfalto ecológico
Somente dois das centenas de milhares de quilômetros asfaltados de nossas rodovias são diferentes dos outros. São ecológicos, feitos a partir de pneus reciclados. Esse é o mote para comentar um dos grandes problemas ambientais modernos – a reutilização de pneus e câmaras de ar velhos. Em uma experiência inédita …
Mais »UK – planning permission gives go-ahead for UK‘s first car recycling and social project.
FST‘‘s SMaRT (Socially Minded and Responsible Trading) has been granted planning permission from Salford City Council to develop the UK‘‘s first Approved Treatment Centre for End-of-Life-Vehicles (ELV) run by a not-for-profit organisation. The facility will be in Salford and will not only dispose of ELV in an environmentally safe way, …
Mais »Israel – Government action on C&D waste
Accelerated building in Israel in recent years has brought in its wake a significant increase in C&D waste. Out of some 7.5 tons of C&D waste that are generated in Israel each year (140% more than the total quantity of household waste generated each year), only about one million tons, …
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