
India – waste-to-energy plan lashed by experts

A stream of protests has hit India‘‘s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for sanctioning municipal waste-to-energy (MWTE) projects that are collapsing under an avalanche of incombustible effluent, according to IPS-Inter Press Service, cited in Power Engineering International. “The technology of converting waste to energy from purely organic wastes …

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Yemen – waste management: a quiet revolution

The landfill on Amran Road in Sana‘‘a is full of items deemed to be of no value. Only after a series of searches for recyclable goods is waste dumped into the landfill. Yemen Observer reports that garbage collection is something that is generally noticed by the public only when it …

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Australia – to ban incandescent light bulbs

Australia will be the first country in the world to ban traditional incandescent light bulbs, says Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Globe-Net reports that according to the plan, yellow incandescent bulbs will be replaced by more efficient compact fluorescent bulbs by 2009. “By that stage you simply won‘‘t be able to …

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China – food leftovers account for a quarter of household waste

In light of a significant increase in the amount of leftovers during the one-week Chinese New Year holiday, the Environment Protection Administration (EPA) urged the public to adopt an environmentally friendly “green diet.” The China Post reports that leftovers account for around a quarter of the garbage generated by the …

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Oito mitos sobre a reciclagem informal na América Latina

PONTO DE VISTA Oito mitos sobre a reciclagem informal na América Latina O tema lixo parece gerar mitos e exageros que se baseiam mais em ansiedades populares do que em fatos concretos. O mesmo se aplica ao fenômeno dos recicladores informais, ou seja, as pessoas que ganham a vida catando …

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A senhora do lixo

Alguma coisa estranha acontecia dentro de uma casa, em uma rua movimentada de um bairro nobre de São Paulo. “A gente passava e não agüentava o mau cheiro”, diz a vizinha Mercedes Rezende. “Todo mundo brigava, chamava a prefeitura, mas ninguém vinha”, comentou a vizinha Bárbara Juliana. Os vizinhos não …

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