
Reciclagem no Pré-Caju

Logo se percebe que esse não se trata de um grupo qualquer de folião. De longe parecem prontos para prestigiar a festa, até se dividirem lentamente. Cada um agora se concentra em um ponto diferente, no meio da multidão, a recolher latas de cerveja e refrigerantes. Esse é o trabalho …

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Energia limpa, segura e renovável conquista espaço

Um sistema de aquecimento ecologicamente correto, que não polui, não depende de sol para funcionar, não utiliza chamas e ainda por cima fornece até seis vezes mais energia do que a eletricidade que consome. Ainda que pareça idéia futurista, trata-se de uma tecnologia consolidada na Europa e agora uma realidade …

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“Rainha” do papelão é a pessoa mais rica da China

O lixo dos Estados Unidos transformou Zhang Yin na pessoa mais rica da China. Em 1990, Zhang começou a coletar papel usado em Los Angeles e a enviá-lo para a China, onde seria utilizado na confecção do papelão necessário para os setores exportadores do país em expansão. Sua empresa, a …

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Sweden – national climate change report indicates GHG emissions decoupled

Household waste landfilling cut by 60% since 1993 Sweden‘‘s fourth national communication on climate change has been published by the Government of Sweden‘‘s Environment Ministry has been published. It presents basic facts about Swedish society and reviews the various sectors of society according to the classification commonly used in the …

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Scotland – continental drift to recycling green glass

Never mind the 10 million green bottles standing on a wall, Scots recycle twice that amount of green glass alone each year, according to new figures cited by The Scotsman. The latest figures for glass recycling show Scotland‘s drinking habits are becoming increasingly continental – at least among those who …

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Israel – waste generation in 2004: 1.6 kg per capita per day

According to the Israeli Environment Ministry‘‘s Solid Waste Division, each person in Israel generated 1.6 kilograms of waste per day in 2004 or some 584 kilograms per year. The total quantity of waste generated in Israel each year is some 5.8 million tons (including municipal and industrial waste). The goal …

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UK – recyclers‘ rubbish dumped abroad

Recycling Householders are urged to recycle to stop waste going to landfill sites Councils are investigating what happens to their recycled rubbish after the BBC revealed 500 tonnes had been shipped unsorted to Indonesia. Customs at Jakarta impounded containers holding mixed up paper, cardboard, plastics and cans from UK households. …

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Europe – biomass: the miracle solution?

The Commission‘‘s Biomass Action Plan should reduce oil imports by 8%, prevent greenhouse gas emissions of 209 million tons CO2-equivalent per year and create up to 300,000 new job. Too good to be true? This note from Euractiv. The Commission adopted the Biomass Action Plan on 7 December 2005. The …

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UK – US Army salutes recycled glass initiative

The US Army has completed a major manoeuvre by switching to environmentally friendly grit blast media, made from recycled glass, at its Field Support Battalion base near Southampton. Glass grit, sourced from reprocessor Krysteline, is being used to refurbish military equipment – including land vehicles, generators and watercraft – at …

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Ireland – WEEE recycling off to a flying start

“An early and welcome Christmas present for our environment”, is how Mr. Dick Roche, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government described the announcement by the two producer compliance schemes – WEEE Ireland and ERP – that 5,000 tonnes of old electrical and electronic equipment has been collected …

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