
Australia – attack on waste: recycling top of agenda

Recycling will be top of the Australian Government‘‘s agenda when Environment Ministers meet in Launceston this Wednesday for the Environment Protection and Heritage Council meeting. Australian Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Senator Ian Campbell, said Australia already led the world in recycling products like newsprint, but could do more …

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Trem movido a vacas

Trem movido a vacas O primeiro trem movido a biogás fez sua viagem inaugural nesta segunda-feira na Suécia. O combustível pode ser feito a partir dos restos mortais de animais. No caso sueco, vacas estão sendo abatidas e trituradas para dar impulso ao trem. O material orgânico é misturado a …

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England – Government consults on 2007/8 recycling targets

Local Environmental Quality Minister Ben Bradshaw has launched for consultation proposals for recycling and composting targets for 2007/08. Mr Bradshaw stressed that the consultation would deal with targets for 2007/08 only. He confirmed that the current review of Waste Strategy 2000 would consider a longer term vision, looking more broadly …

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UK – opportunities for recycled wood products continue to grow

New research from wrap highlights strength of new markets New research from WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme) shows that potential market demand for recycled wood products (RWPs) is greater than ever, with particular opportunities identified within the developing areas of animal products and the landscaping sector. The findings …

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Japan – revision to packaging recycling system being considered

Japan‘‘s Ministry of the Environment released an interim report on how to revise the Package Recycling System at a June 13 meeting of the Waste Management and Recycling Committee of the Central Environment Council. Japan for Sustainability reports that after collecting opinions from the public on the revision for one …

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Canada – recycling water bottles

The Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators (AMRC) in Ontario, Canada carries an interesting piece in its latest newsletter reflecting on the merits of the larger size plastic water bottles. It raises interesting issues of polymer type and illustrates the perversity that larger bottles present collection and handling challenges (by virtue …

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UK – a sustainable future for fibre-reinforced plastics

Fibre-reinforced plastics (FRPs) have replaced conventional materials such as steel and wood for a wide range of products because they combine light weight, good mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Weight reduction alone can make FRP products highly attractive to end users in industries such as road transport, where they can …

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UK – £1.5M study into composting practices reports findings

New approach to collecting organic waste could revolutionise kerbside collections The UK‘‘s biggest ever study into composting practices has reported its findings. The Integrated Composting programme (ICP) is a series of seven projects, analysing different aspects of the composting chain including: methods of collecting organic waste, setting up different types …

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