
Empresas usam garrafas como matéria-prima

O reaproveitamento das garrafas PET, além de preservar o meio ambiente, também gera ganho social, inserindo no mercado de trabalho formal pessoas com baixa escolaridade. “A reciclagem tem que estar associada à educação ambiental, com campanhas educativas”, disse o gerente-geral da fábrica da Bidim, em São José dos Campos, Carlos …

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Do lixo à carteira

A reciclagem, além de contribuir para o meio ambiente, pode ser uma boa fonte de renda. Empresas particulares e cooperativas vêem neste setor oportunidade de negócios e utilizam da criatividade para ter crescimento no faturamento em média de 15% ao ano. Dados divulgados pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro …

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O luxo das histórias do lixo

“Tem que acabar com essa história de coitadinho. Tem que fazer a gente gerar renda. Inclusão social é poder ter dignidade e ganhar o próprio sustento.” José Cardoso – depoente do projeto. Neste especial, apresentamos as histórias de vida de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis. O movimento desses trabalhadores cresce a …

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India – professor uses plastic waste to create road construction material

A professor of chemistry in a college located in Madurai has discovered a novel, eco-friendly method by using plastic carry-bags as road construction material mixed with bitumen, reports R.Vasudevan, the professor of chemistry at the Thiagarajar College of Engineering, says the “non-biodegradable eye-sore” when mixed with bitumen, the main …

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Wales – Government inquiry into meeting landfill & recycling targets

The National Assembly for Wales has issued a report on meeting landfill and recycling targets. The report includes a series of recommendations aimed at introducing measures to improve the performance of authorities that are struggling to meet targets. Issues regarding planning and public education are also examined. Among the many …

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Canada – City of Vaughan presses for 60% landfill diversion

We are always keen to spread the word on community initiatives wish push the limits of resource recovery or landfill diversion. We are grateful to the The Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators (AMRC) in Ontario, Canada for bringing this case study to our attention. Greening Vaughan pushes for 60% The …

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Europe – waste from packaging still not under control

Hard targets needed if EU policy objectives on cutting packaging waste volumes are to be met Specific targets rather than general objectives are needed if policies concerning packaging waste are to succeed, a report released today by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen states. The ‘‘Effectiveness of Waste Packaging …

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UK – residents to be given incentives to recycle

Millions of households across England will be tempted to recycle more of their rubbish and cut down their waste with many local authorities offering prize draws, cash rewards and community gifts from this October. Around 50 schemes across the country will pilot, test and assess various approaches to incentivise people …

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