
UK – why we waste £9bn on gadgets we never use

Bread makers, coffee machines and electric knives. They sound like a nice idea but according to a new poll, British adults waste a staggering £9.4bn on household gadgets which they never use. Western Mail reports that the research carried out by found 23.4m adults in the UK buy gadgets …

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Telhados com caixas de leite

Depois de higienizadas e costuradas, embalagens de leite longa vida são transformadas em subcoberturas: solução econômica e ecológica Que tal transformar caixinhas de leite longa vida, ainda pouco valiosas para a reciclagem, em matéria-prima para subcoberturas de telhados? Pois essa idéia foi apresentada há poucos dias em um programa de …

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USA – nation‘s first statewide plastic bag recycling programme

On Labor Day weekend, Rhode Island became the first state in the United States to offer a statewide collection and recycling program for plastic grocery bags. The programme is free for both consumers and the markets that display the collection barrels. Dubbed “ReStore,” the project was developed by the Rhode …

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USA – Municipal Solid Waste – 2003 Facts and Figures

Recycling Recycling, including composting, diverted 72 million tons of material away from disposal in 2003 (up from 15 million tons in 1980, when the recycle rate was just 10 %), and 90 % of MSW was being recycled. Typical materials that are recycled include batteries, recycled at a rate of …

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USA – Municipal Solid Waste – 2003 Facts and Figures

Recycling Recycling, including composting, diverted 72 million tons of material away from disposal in 2003 (up from 15 million tons in 1980, when the recycle rate was just 10 %), and 90 % of MSW was being recycled. Typical materials that are recycled include batteries, recycled at a rate of …

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Australia – waste plastics into low sulphur diesel fuel

Supply Chain Review reports that in an Australian first, Axiom Energy will produce low sulphur diesel from waste plastics that until now could not be recycled and would otherwise end up as landfill. Axiom Energy also plans to be the largest producer of biodiesel on the Australian Eastern seaboard. Biodiesel …

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Philippines – guidelines on hospital waste management issued

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Department of Health has issued guidelines on hospital waste management through a Joint Administrative Order outlining the framework by which-hospitals and clinics can safely dispose of their wastes. Freeman reports that among the salient responsibilities given to the DENR and DOH …

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