
UK – eco-friendly bottle for ethical water

A reflection – does “biodegradable”.represent environmental progress? What is the use of having such materials “more biodegradable” when they should be recovered either by recycling or by use as a fuel? What happens if these materials become mixed with other products destined for recycling – would the eventual recycled material …

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UK – opportunities for woodchip recycling

Local authority pilot project candidates sought Recycled woodchip is becoming an increasingly popular choice for use as a plant bed mulch and paths and play area surfacing, but a new local authority study has revealed it could have far wider landscaping applications. Research commissioned by WRAP (the Waste & Resources …

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UK – WEEE: producer responsibility kick in delayed to mid-2006

Collection and recycling of waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) will be the responsibility of manufacturers and retailers of the equipment from June 2006 following a Government announcement today. The Government has postponed the implementation date for the WEEE Directive until June 2006 in the light of the preparations needed …

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Denmark – swings made from old tyres are not dangerous

A Danish EPA study shows that old rubber tyres used as swings in playgrounds are not dangerous. Parents of children playing in the playgrounds at nurseries do not have to worry about the health effects of the tyres. In the study, focus was on the amines and PAHs. These substances …

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USA – food waste costing economy US$100 billion, study finds

It‘‘s just a matter of time before those staggering hikes in oil prices are translated into higher costs for food, reflecting the higher costs farmers pay for running diesel harvesters and using oil-based fertilizers and pesticides. Timothy Jones, a University of Arizona archaeologist, says that makes the results of his …

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Japan – Fujitsu develops world‘s first bioplastic computer cases

Japan‘‘s Fujitsu Ltd, Fujitsu Laboratories, Ltd., and Toray Industries Inc. succeeded in joint development of a large case made of bioplastics, featured in Fujitsu‘‘s spring 2005 models of notebook computers, named FMV-BIBLO NB80K. Japan for Sustainability reports that this is the first time in the world that bioplastics made from …

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Brasil revoluciona na reciclagem de embalagens cartonadas

O dia 13 de abril de 2005 marcou a partida de uma importante contribuição do Brasil para o desenvolvimento tecnológico, o meio ambiente e a geração de emprego e renda. As empresas Klabin, Tetra Pak, Alcoa e TSL Ambiental inauguraram, em Piracicaba (SP), uma nova planta de reciclagem de embalagens …

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Maior valor à cadeia de reciclagem

A novidade de aproximar o alumínio e o plástico de seus usos originais significa agregar valor à cadeia de reciclagem. Para se ter uma idéia, a tonelada de embalagem longa vida pós-consumo gira em torno de R$ 250,00. A partir de agora, espera-se que a tonelada possa alcançar R$ 300,00. …

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Busca de solução para lixo eletrônico – China

A China está tentando descobrir o que fazer com montanhas de lixo eletrônico, já que cada vez mais computadores e outros aparelhos estão sendo jogados em lixões “O número de televisões, máquinas de lavar, geladeiras, ar-condicionados e computadores em uso na China se aproximavam dos 900 milhões em 2003. Desses, …

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