
Empresas apostam na reciclagem

A inserção de sucata metálica na produção foi um dos trunfos da metalúrgica Mextra para reduzir custos e conquistar a liderança do mercado nacional de pastilhas. Outras empresas da região seguem o mesmo caminho. Na fundição Tupy, de Mauá, 80% da matéria-prima para a produção de bloco de motor, tambor …

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O mito do lacre e a tecnologia

Provavelmente você já deve ter ouvido falar a respeito de como se pode ganhar dinheiro ou ajudar outras pessoas por meio do anel da latinha de alumínio, ou o lacre. Dizem que uma determinada quantidade de anéis de alumínio pode ser trocada por diversos equipamentos como cadeiras de roda ou …

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UK – demonstrating the growing potential of recycled glass

Grant funding totalling £1.2 million has been awarded by WRAP (the Waste & Resources Action Programme) and the Scottish Executive for large-scale operational trials aimed at demonstrating the commercial, technical and operational potential of recycled glass as a raw material. Building on R&D work commissioned by WRAP into the use …

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UK – a new era in managing hazardous waste

On 16 July, new Hazardous Waste Regulations came into force in England and Wales that have a far-reaching effect on waste producers. The new regulations require all producers of hazardous waste to have registered with the Environment Agency (EA) by 16 July, although some exceptions apply for a small number …

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Spain – recycling end-of-life electricity meters

AFESA recently signed a joint agreement with GAIKER in an R+D project. The project, aimed at re-use and recycling, lasted 18 months. AFESA, the company authorised to manage the treatment of dangerous and non-dangerous waste, recently signed a joint agreement with GAIKER in an R+D project that will lay down …

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USA – Wasteless in Seattle

The city of Seattle is moving beyond recycling to preventing garbage itself as the next generation of social and civic responsibility, Seattle Public Utilities is launching an initiative called Wasteless in Seattle. With the long-term goal of “zero waste,” the city hopes to drastically reduce the need for landfills and …

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Europe – PET bottle recycling continues its upward trend

Petcore publishes PET collection figures for 2004 Petcore has announced that European post-consumer PET collection rates reached 665,000 tonnes in 2004, representing an 8.5% increase over the previous year. Germany, France and Italy were once again delivering the largest volumes with a combined share of 60%. Significant growth was recorded …

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